Friday, September 5, 2008

Sales is no longer a numbers game

I was listening to the latest podcast from Salesopedia featuring Jill Konrath. It was almost like listening to a female me. Not a mini-me, a female-me. The school of hard knocks often teaches the same lessons simultaneously. Kind of like the same invention happening oversees at the same time as in the U.S. with no apparent connection between the two. Perhaps the ethers connect us all...but that is a different topic. Speaking of knocks...knocking on every prospects door with equal vigor and enthusiasm proved vastly ineffective, not to mention expensive, for us. We discovered, like Jill, that the market has changed. What worked just a few short years ago no longer works. Sales is no longer a numbers game. Making 100 phone calls in an attempt to schedule 25 appoints, to do 12.5 surveys in the hopes of turning those into…well you get the idea. This activity management approach used to produce one sale. Today, this level of activity can result in a big fat 0.

How do you improve the odds? Focus is the key. How do you know you're properly focused? When you know so much about your prospects, and their business issues, that they begin to say things like, "you have answers to questions we didn't even know to ask". When you hear that— you're focused! Zebra.Jeff

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