PURSUE EVERYTHING WITH THE ENTHUSIASM OF A LABRADOR!Have you ever noticed how dogs, Labradors and other retrievers in particular, always do everything to 100% of their ability, with every ounce of passion and enthusiasm in their being? They give it their all until they have nothing left, and then it's time to rest.
This is a metaphor I try to use every day in my own life, be it in business/sales, family activities, yard work, play, etc. In particular, here are a few of the advantages to pursuing sales with Labrador-like enthusiasm:
1. You always know your target, aka Zebra... When that tennis ball gets thrown, Labradors have a singular focus on fetching and retrieving it. They don't let distractions get in the way. Pursue your Zebra relentlessly, and don't stop to chase other targets. Your resources are limited, so make sure you're using them as efficiently as possible to accomplish your goal.
2. Balance. Labradors play/work, eat, sleep, and repeat. It's good to have a routine, and make sure it includes time to balance other activities in your life that are important to you (family, friends, hobbies), and leave your work at work. Take time to rest. If you form a balanced routine for yourself, you will find that you become more effective and efficient in every aspect in your life, your sales career included.
3. Most importantly, find a way to love what you do. It's the only way to ever be truly successful. That's where that "enthusiasm" part is critical. You can work as hard as you want to, "like a dog," but if you're not enjoying your self, there's no real enthusiasm driving your efforts. If you can't find a way to love the type of sales that you're in, find a new niche or pursue a different career path altogether.
Thank you to my Chocolate Labrador Retriever, Winnie Connie Wonder (pictured above), for teaching me these important lessons, and inspiring this blog post.