Yes, you read correctly! We interrupt this regularly scheduled blogging to bring you an important update regarding one of the latest trends in high-tech solution sales... Cloud computing! (click link to learn more)
Selling to Zebras, LLC has been invited to participate in this year's Cloud Summit Executive... Specifically, Zebra Jeff (aka Jeff Koser) is going to be a featured speaker!
As such, we are currently conducting a brief survey to gather some data from salespeople just like yourself, regarding your opinions on the impact that cloud computing will have on selling and sales methodologies.
It is my full intention to share the results of this survey, as well as highlights and helpful strategies from the Cloud Summit Executive here on the blog, so your participation will not only be appreciated, but also rewarded!
We look forward to exploring this latest critical direction in high-tech sales, explporing ways to adapt to and leverage the changes Cloud computring brings. We now return to your regularly scheduled blogging (next time)...
I look forward to reading the results of your survey. When do you plan to publish them?
Hi Michele,
My initial plan is to post the survey results soon after the conclusion of the Cloud Summit.
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