When times are good and business seems to be rolling in so easily that it's like fruit windfalling from a tree right into your lap, anyone can be successful as a sales person. But when times get tougher from a variety of factors, be it from increasing competition in your space, commoditization, or a tougher economic climate such as we are facing right now, it takes greater tact, strategy, and discipline to continue to acheive success.
Yesterday afternoon I attended part of Brian Carroll's web clinic. I would have liked to attend the entire thing, but my web connection would not upload for the streaming content, and Tucker duty cut my attendance on the telephone portion short. At the beginning of the call Brian polled his audience comprised of sales and marketing professionals, and the attendees reported the following:
1. 48% are having trouble generating enough leads in the current economy
2. 17% are having trouble identifying/qualifying leads
3. 17% are having trouble nuturing leads
So this is evidence that the remaining fruit is closer to the top of the tree at the present time.
To make matters even worse, Brian also pointed out the following:
1. In this economy, many companies are not finding it cost effective to spend money on lead generation and marketing.
2. Most companies do not have an established standardized process for quantifying/qualifying leads.
3. There is no agreement on what a lead or sales-ready lead is organization wide.
So the remaing fruit on the tree seems even more out of reach... But there is hope! By evolving your sales approach to get to, and more importantly harvest that hard to reach fruit, you can acheive sales success in just about any environment! Here is a brief overview of a few key core principles that I will cover in greater detail in the next few blogs to come:
1. Establish the Zebra Philosophy
Creation of your Zebra, the profile of your perfect prospect, is the first step. Real success happens as you implement the processes that drive the Zebra philosophy.
2. Establish a Culture of Selling Value
Selling based on value is more than just basic return on investment (ROI). Sales people must go beyond ROI to succeed in today’s sales environment.
3. Establish a Culture of Force Success
Force Success means including everything needed for your customer to fulfill the promised project goals, ensuring you deliver effective and consistent results for your customers. Establishing a culture of Force Success enables you to create a reputation for consistently meeting customer expectations.
More to come!
Zebra Chad: It's nice to see that you, most likely a Packer fan, named your first born after a great New York Giant from my youth: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tucker_Frederickson
All kidding aside: Good Luck with Tucker and I'll be keeping up with your blog.
Thanks for commenting Michael -- glad to hear that you'll be reading the blog, and I hope that you'll continue to partipate whenever you're inspired to do so!
Indeed I'm a Packer fan! Your Giants really took it to my Packers in their final game last year... and to everybody else for that matter! How does it feel to be a fan of the World Champions?!
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